Strategic approaches and solutions to drive growth and innovation are the themes of the annual Future of Construction Summit (FCON24) being held in Brisbane this week where Design Matters National’s CEO, Danielle Johnston, will have her radar turned on, looking for connections, information, and innovation to leverage DMN’s value proposition for members nationally. “I’ve come to Queensland to hear thought leaders from across construction and infrastructure talk about solutions to help with sustainability, collaboration, safety, procurement, and resilience in the construction sector,” she said. 

FCON24 will attract 600 delegates—many of whom are C-level representatives from other peak bodies and member organisations of which DMN is a member. 
“Catching up with the heads of ACIF, ABSEC, and NAWIC is also on my agenda over the next two days, as is squeezing in meetings with some of DMN’s Queensland members, key industry partners, and locally-based DMN staff on the Gold Coast.” 

Critical issues related to areas including policy, productivity, technology will be on the agenda for discussion at FCON24. Of particular note will be panel sessions on the following topics: 

- The macro trends driving new opportunities across the construction sector, including supply chain constraints and increases in energy and material costs 
- Moving towards Net Zero and more sustainable construction practices;
- Harnessing location intelligence to achieve sustainability goals
- The ‘digital toolbox’ and the role digital design is having on the automation of construction processes.

As a member of the ACIF, DMN received a complimentary ticket to attend the conference at the Royal International Convention Centre in Brisbane. 
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